Henry Danger

Henry Danger

The realization of a small running gag which galloped out of control, Winnie is Schwoz's sister "who looks like a horse." Since her reveal, she's shown tendencies to eat, sleep, laugh, and panic like a horse as well.

Sorry, this is the closest thing to a publicly available clip there is.

Winnie Schwartz

Since her first appearance on Nickelodeon's "Henry Danger", Winnie's unique laugh became a staple of the equine-esque character. I'm very proud of this considering I was eating a handful of sugar cubes with giant false teeth which never quite set before boisterously whinnying in each take.

Fans of "Henry Danger," upon realizing the girl behind the chompers is actually a boy, have tracked me down to express how enjoyable the character is to watch. Nevertheless, I've heard Winnie remains a crew favorite. Members of the show's production staff, ranging from writers to grips, have told me how amusing the character is to have on the already ridiculously fun soundstage, which made my return each season feel all the more special.

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